Brunel Group is proud to be taking measurable steps on environmental issues. As the insurance industry and public alike become increasingly aware of environmental issues, Brunel is being recognised for it’s longstanding commitment to sustainability.
We have taken key steps to become a paperless environment, which includes; a large reduction in paper files, office cabinets and waste paper bins and moving IT systems into the ‘Cloud’.
As a company, we pride ourselves on working with suppliers who also themselves take steps on sustainability and climate change. By entering a contract with our chosen coffee suppliers, we are part of their work towards reducing illegal logging in the Amazon Rainforest. They have so far protected 111,360 rainforest trees locking in 1,120,640 tonnes of CO2. Working with our chosen printers we can ensure any marketing material that is printed uses FSC mix paper and vegetable inks.
“Climate change is a massive issue for the insurance industry and we believe all businesses have a responsibility to play their part in addressing the issue and we are ownership of reducing our carbon footprint. Building our business on a sustainable basis is also an important commercial decision, reducing costs and giving us a real competitive advantage.”
“The lesson environmental change has taught us is that everybody’s behaviour makes a difference and small changes can create big effects. All businesses can easily change some small things they do, which will make a huge difference to carbon emissions and the planet”.
Cyber Essentials
Brunel Employee Benefits is committed to protecting clients data and has received the Cyber Essentials certification. The accreditation acknowledges our high standards of cyber security giving our clients confidence in our processes and systems used to handle data.
Click on the badge to view our certificate.
Modern Slavery
Brunel does not engage in any employment practices that are defined as Modern Slavery in accordance with the 2015 Modern Slavery Act.
Brunel’s work staff are highly trained, many with qualifications and come to work at Brunel off their own free will. Our employee contracts have market standard notice periods should an employee voluntarily resign or should Brunel wish to terminate an employees’ contract.
We have rigorous vetting processes for all suppliers which includes modern slavery. We do not have any suppliers that employ staff with unacceptable working conditions as defined by the Act.